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The crest of Mohd Khairi Foundation or abbreviated as YMK (“Yayasan Mohd Khairi”), symbolizes the vision and expectations of our founder, Dato’ Seri Mohd Khairi.

The preferred colours of black and goldish shade of yellow as the official banner of the foundation is to represent the Foundation’s readiness and concerns to bring a ray of hope and aid to people in distress, hardship and in dire need of help.

YMK’S MISSION – “To become a catalyst for Malaysia’s poorest people to escape poverty by helping and supporting them in whatever means necessary that ultimately will improve their daily lives.”

YMK’S VISION – “To become one of the main foundations in Malaysia that bridges public and private institutions and organization with the citizens in order to eradicate poverty in the country”

We make a living by what we get,
But we make a life by what we give.

– Winston Churchill

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